Mas em Paris. As "Noites claras" do alemão Thomas Weinberger apresentadas por Jorge Calado no Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian, a prosseguir um ciclo informal de exposições anuais que já contou com o norte-americano/australiano David Stephenson ("Symetries Sublimes", em 2006) e com o inglês Mark Power ("Signes/Signs", em 2007), e antes com os "Olhares Estrangeiros" / "Dedans-Dehors - Le Portugal en Photographies - Collection de la Caixa Geral de Depósitos", em 2005.
"West", Lisbonne 2008 © Thomas Weinberger
21 octobre - 19 décembre
Thomas Weinberger expõe pela 1ª vez em França, mas em Portugal já foi mostrado em INGenuidades / INGenuity, na Fund. Gulbenkian em 2007 (e tb em Bruxelas). Foi mesmo ele que figurou na capa do respectivo catálogo.
Com quatro fotografias inéditas realizadas em Lisboa
Entre 1995 et 2001, il travaille pour plusieurs cabinets d’architectes et comme indépendant et entame parallèlement ses premiers projets photographiques. Aujourd’hui, il se consacre exclusivement à la photographie. Il vit et travaille à Munich.
"Thomas Weinberger's photographs surprise by the strange and surreal atmosphere they convey. Sharply defined, almost sculptural, they show industrial plants and urban landscapes devoid of any human traces.
These spectral images are the result of a distinct technique that Thomas Weinberger uses for his work process. The German photographer takes two pictures of the same motif, a day shot and a night shot, and superimposes them subsequently in order to obtain the synthesis of two different lighting situations. This superimposition of natural light and artificial light questions our usual perception of the world and creates a fictional or imagined temporality.
In this alienated reality darkness becomes embedded in light, and conversely light in darkness. Any ephemeral, instantaneous element, any trace of human presence disappears. What remains are empty places appearing as relics of a past human civilization.
As a former architect, Thomas Weinberger puts this discipline into the centre of his work. He explores urban architecture and chooses buildings, bridges, tracks, harbours and industrial plants as motifs of his photographs. Through his process of synthetis and through the static composition of his photographs, Weinberger adorns these banal places with a luminous aura and creates an eerie, fascinating atmosphere.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Cultural Centre presents Weinberger's work for the first time in France. The exhibition shows 28 large-sized photographs, taken in Germany, France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Australia and Dubai."
"NR 7" 2007 (140 cm x 140 cm)
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"Signs": Photographs by Mark Power ... from 10 April – 18 May 2008 at Churchill College, Cambridge UK
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